06. May
06. May
Microsoft Teams Webinar Registration
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The DYNAPORT project – webinar: Digitalizing Operational Communication Between Ship and Shore with ISO 28005

Mastering Maritime Efficiency with new digital communication standards is a two-part webinar series in which we provide an essential introductory guide for anyone involved in the planning of implementing new ship-shore communication systems.

This webinar will introduce you to the new ISO 28005 series of specifications for communication between ship and shore, focusing on relatively high-level implementation aspects.

ISO 28005 is a relatively simple HTTP and XML based protocol that can also transport other file formats such as UN/EDIFACT, JSON and more. The standard data model for application messages is based on the IMO Compendium and supports all functions covered by the compendium, such as maritime single windows, just in time arrival, noon at sea reports and various other functions.


  • Welcome
    Moderator Mr. Alv Øidvin, ITS Norway.
  • Part 1
    Mr. Ørnulf Jan Rødseth, ITS Norway, project leader ISO 28005-1.
    General technical principles and implementation of the protocol, including HTTPS functionality, multi-part messages, possibilities for different payloads, access authorization and digital signatures. Brief Q&A.
  • Part 2
    Ms. Marianne Hagaseth, SINTEF Ocean, project leader ISO 28005-3.
    Status on application specific messages, including maritime single window, general FAL convention messages, ballast water, just in time arrival and more. Brief Q&A.
  • Part 3

PS: Make sure to also register for the webinar on nautical communication between ship and shore here!

You can find the registration here!
You can find the link to the webinar here!

DYNAPORT has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101138478. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Intelligent Ship Transport Systems has received funding from The Research Council of Norway (Maroff-2) under Project No. 326679.

See the recording of the webinar below:

See the presentations from the webinar below: