Nordic Mobility Innovation Platform – will change the way people move.

2 minutter
23. september 2019

ITS Norway is proud to present the Nordic Mobility Innovation Platform (NMIP) project. NMIP is a projected granted funds from Nordic Innovation and will facilitate the creation of a unified and standardized mobility market.


Read the NMIP press release

Seamless mobility, using several modes of transportation other than the personal motor vehicle, across the Nordics and the rest of Europe, will require deliberate planning among multiple organizations and actors. We are encouraged by parallel developments in ICT and business model innovation that, together, increase the likelihood of seamless trans-European mobility.

Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) unlocks the ability for an individual to plan and pay for travel on almost every mode of transportation using a single mobile application. MaaS exists in multiple cities across Europe, and a current groundswell of new business initiatives signal that MaaS is more than a passing craze.

The NMIP-project draws its inspiration from the success of Nordic Mobile Telephone that demonstrated the ability of collaboration between the Nordic nations to transform a technology encumbered by a fragmented market to its current nimble and ubiquitous state. NMIP aims to achieve the same for MaaS, resulting in significant positive economic, environmental and social impacts in the Nordic states. A heavy focus on knowledge sharing between actors in the Nordic Mobility market to improve transportation planning and encourage iterative innovation.

NMIP One Slider

NMIP – Pressrelease 2019

Contact ITS Norway for more information